SDYS Rotary International Musicamp at our first concert

At the Farewell Party

Roberto and I

Don't ask me! Que pasa?!
Wilfredo, me, Roberto
Well, it's been a fun few weeks with the International Youth Symphony. The people you meet there are some of the best people ever. Mr. Edmons is always making speeches about how the musicamp is wonderful/life-changing experience/fantastic/etc. and though you haven't the patience to listen then, you realize later that what he was saying was so true. This group of students has become like family to me. We're all going to stay in contact and are even planning a new performing escapade. :D (shhhh, it's under wraps. ;) But the great thing about being international is that we all come from so many different cultures that we end up creating our own unique culture in which we all fit perfectly. We're also a really tight orchestra and though we had to spend 2 weeks to play Beethoven and Mozart -it was after the first week and a half that we really started to gel -and I think we could have played anything after that point. :) just my opinion.

Well, it's been a fun few weeks with the International Youth Symphony. The people you meet there are some of the best people ever. Mr. Edmons is always making speeches about how the musicamp is wonderful/life-changing experience/fantastic/etc. and though you haven't the patience to listen then, you realize later that what he was saying was so true. This group of students has become like family to me. We're all going to stay in contact and are even planning a new performing escapade. :D (shhhh, it's under wraps. ;) But the great thing about being international is that we all come from so many different cultures that we end up creating our own unique culture in which we all fit perfectly. We're also a really tight orchestra and though we had to spend 2 weeks to play Beethoven and Mozart -it was after the first week and a half that we really started to gel -and I think we could have played anything after that point. :) just my opinion.
But yeah, these peeps are awesome and I will miss them like crazy.
1st Clarinet Martin and I

Both Martin and I agree that we make a good team :) btw, Martin is awesome to work with.
The Venezuelan String Quartet
from left to right;
Wilfredo (violin), Roberto (cello), Omar (viola), Jairo (violin)

Wilfredo looks like Jim Carry *haha*
Looking a little more formal... ;p

On break

Christoph, Lorenz, Magdalena, Marjan, Kimberley, Marie-Luise, Nicole
Warming up before the concert

yes that's me on the ledge- practicing that devilish solo from beethoven 4. haha
red hair on left is Andrea, the Bassist is Henry, and the crazy Frenchman Gaeton is on the right. ;)
It's kinda sad, these people mean so much to me and now we must leave. Thank goodness for the internet! Otherwise I don't know how I would cope!
And of course the reason I'm still doing orchestra;

Valentin Martchev, my awesome teacher, who is constantly an inspiration and the person I want to be just like when I grow up. Outside of my parents, he is the one person who has had more influence on my life than any other. I can't thank him for all the lessons he has taught me over the past 5 1/2 years, not just in music, but life lessons and how he always made an example that I wanted to emulate. He is my hero, the best musician ever, and the best person in the world.
Away from my bassooning life, my best friends Stephy and Leah are heading off to college this week too. It's not quite as sad because we will see each other for sure many times yet to come but still a little sad.
When we were little we all swore to go to college together, which we kept since we all attended the community college together during highschool -but real college has finally come and hilariously enough we are all moving to the four corners of the USA; WA, NY, GA, and CA.

Stephy and I (at my grad party)

Emmy and Leah (Coronado)
I am leaving for Eastman and NY soon, but until then I intend to enjoy the SoCal weather if possible. It's all packing and cleaning over here so I won't get out of the house much. :(
I'll probably be the most ridiculously prepared person in the world by the time I finally leave. ;p

Universal Studios (splash zone!)